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Changing the Way the World Sees Beauty by

Changing the Way
the World Sees
the Homeless

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Mental Health


To change the way the world sees beauty, by changing the way the world sees the homeless

At Cherry Willow we strive to find beauty in the everyday. In nature, the cherry blossoms only bloom for a short time yet the tree is still beautiful all year. In life we all experience ups and downs but too often we only pay attention to the highlights, just like how we focus more on the cherry blossoms when they are in bloom. When we are down we often stop recognizing and appreciating ourselves, just as the cherry tree goes unnoticed when it's not in bloom. When wearing Cherry Willow we’re reminded to live in the moment, that we are all part of nature and that nature is beautiful everyday! We strive to lift each other up while recognizing the beauty that is found in the valleys of life's journey. When we are knocked down or fall down, we encourage each other to look at it as an opportunity for growth! The tree loses its leaves each year in order to continue to grow and bloom and the entire process is beautiful, not just the end result! We strive to encourage people to be aware of the beauty of life all around us and the beauty of sharing our entire stories with the world.

let's start something for them

No One Has Ever Become
Poor From Giving

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